We have a plan
It is commonly agreed that writing a business plan will increase a business' chance of success. Writing it down is important, as it forces a thought process that improves the quality of the plan. Although there is not universal standard for business plans, even the simplest one will address these three topics :
- What do you want to do?
- What makes you special / different from others ?
- Why are you going to succeed where others have failed ?
With Technodabbler celebrating almost 9 years of publications, none of these answers have even been written down. In the spirit of transparency, this is our plan.
What do you want to do?
Technodabbler is the exploration of technology and how it fits into our lives. The site covers a wide area of topics: video games, Linux, home automation, music and much more. Technodabbler is not a specialist in any specific technology or topic. The goal is to evoke interest in different topic and encourage the readers to learn more.
What makes you special ?
On the Internet, technology is often discussed with an expert subject matter tone, most likely because it gives credibility to the specific article. However, this approach is not scalable on sites covering a wide array of technology : they cannot be the expert for everything.
At Technodabbler, we believe that fascination for technology can be contagious: if we introduce the reader to the right topic: they will search for more information on their own. Thus, Technodabbler differentiates itself by recognizing the wealth of information on the Internet and choosing not to compete. We acknowledge that readers will leave to broaden their understanding of interesting topics. Our goals is to encourage readers to return to the site to learn about new technology topics.
Why are you going to succeed?
Technodabbler seeks to reach as many users as possible, raising awareness on a variety of cool and important technology topics. As such, we define success as the continual increase of our audience. This is cyclical, as a larger audience will bring new opportunities to raise even more interest.
Technodabbler operates with minimal staff and almost no overhead costs. This means the website is able to play the long game, slowly building its audience. We strongly believe in iterations and we can take the time we need to find the successful format of Technodabbler.
How will you make money?
At time, Technodabbler will have links to different referral programs. We will do our best to identify these links as explicitly as possible. These referral programs will often reward Technodabbler for new users, or purchases. At the time of writing, earning from these programs is minimal and is far exceeded by the expenses of operate this blog. If you want to help, Technodabbler also accept tips in the form of Basic Attention Token (BAT).
What is going to change?
The first step is to update the About page to reflect these ideas. This business plan is not a corporate secret and the transparency can only enhance the understanding readers have about this website.
The second step is to embrace the search for knowledge by increasing the number of links leaving the site. Although this goes against common best practices to keep readers interest focused on your site for as long as possible, the value of Technodabbler lies in its exploration of new topics.
What does this have to do with technology?
Nothing and everything. Many of the ideas covered in this article will apply to non-technology topics. However, these ideas are the fundamentals if you want your Tech project or Tech business to success. And it is not written down, then the work has not been done.