Kung Fury : Learning to Hate Laser Raptors

Kung Fury is the perfect example of the creative powers that can be funded through a Kickstarter campaign. Described as a love letter to the 1980s, Kung Fury is an over-the-top Swedish martial arts comedy short film. Written, directed, and starring David Sandberg, the movie gathered over 600,000 USD during its funding campaign.

The movie debuted as the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, and then was made available on several digital platforms, such as Youtube, Steam and Itunes on May 28th. Since its release, the movies has gathered over 19 million views on Youtube.

To talk about Kung Fury would be to spoil many of the surprise in this movie. You can find all the clichés from the 1980s, including computer hacking, time travel, laser raptors and bad hairstyles. You should just watch it.

Warning : the movie does contain bad language and exaggerated violence. Parental supervision means you should not show this to your kids.